


Contact us to connect with our Off-校园 Living Coordinator or to find your next home in the Huntsville or Conroe areas:

餐计划 & Bearkat雄鹿


A meal plan unlocks delicious meals, coffee, snacks, 和更多的 at 18 locations across campus. Your meal plan includes Meal Swipes and Bearkat雄鹿, conveniently loaded onto your Bearkat收费. 餐厅 on campus isn’t one size fits all so our meal plans were designed to meet your unique needs. Bearkat雄鹿 can be purchased anytime throughout the semester.



When you need help becoming career-ready or developing your career path, make an appointment with SHSU 职业成功中心. You can schedule a variety of career-focused services including resume critiquing, 模拟面试, and job/internship-searching. 职业生涯 fairs are offered throughout the year.



Bearkats Get Hired, partnered with 握手, is SHSU’s online job database. You will find a multitude of part-time, 全职, 校园, 校外, and internship opportunities. Work-study programs are also available through 金融援助.

Reba Bock职业衣橱


Need professional-looking clothes? The 职业生涯 Closet is located inside Tripod's Thrift, provides access to business attire for job interviews or career fairs to students, 100%免费.

学生 Money Management Center (SMMC)


The SMMC is a financial outreach and educational program to help you achieve financial independence. The SMMC provides workshops, 演讲, and private consultations on a variety of topics including fee statements, 经济援助计划, 减少债务, and applying for SNAP and TANF.

艾略特T型. 鲍尔斯荣誉学院


The 荣誉学院 community fosters individual growth, academic success, and public service. Engage with like-minded students, develop long-lasting mentorships with professors, and benefit from an Honors staff ready to support and serve you.

学生法律 & 媒体tion 服务 (SLMS)


The SLMS has an experienced attorney on staff dedicate to informing currently enrolled students about their legal rights and responsibilities. Consultation is available for a wide range of topics, such as traffic violations, 房屋租赁问题, 孩子的抚养费, 以及刑法. SLMS also offers notary and background report services.



提供最先进的, cost-effective printing options for a wide range of materials, 包括小册子, 海报, 杂志, 传单, 和更多的, for all your course-related needs. Need to print a large poster for a presentation? 联系打印服务. Need a flyer for a class survey project? 联系打印服务. Need a senior thesis paper bound? 联系打印服务!



At SHSU we understand the importance of working with parents as a part of a student's support team and network. We invite parents to connect and engage with SHSU by creating a parent profile to access important campus news, 最后期限, 和通知.