服务 for 学生 with

image of many hands holding up the world


The mission of the 服务 for 学生 with 残疾的人 (SSD) is to promote equal access for students with disabilities to the educational programs, 服务, and activities at SHSU.

SSD affords students with disabilities the opportunity to reach their full potential by:

  • Providing academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and 服务
  • Promoting independence and self-advocacy
  • Making referrals to support 服务 on campus and in the community

SSD seeks to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for students with disabilities by:

  • Building and maintaining partnerships with faculty and staff
  • Promoting disability awareness on campus
  • Providing consultation 服务 and outreach programming on student disability issues for the SHSU community


It is the policy of 山姆 Houston State University that no otherwise qualified disabled individuals shall, solely by reason of their disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic program or activity.