Estimate Your Cost

mgm集团线路检测中心(SHSU)一直被评为美国最有价值的大学之一. With SHSU’s student/faculty ratio of 24:1, 学生受益于高质量的教师参与,从而获得非凡的大学体验. SHSU offers over 90 bachelor’s degree programs, more than 60 master’s degree programs, 还有10个博士项目——每个人都有一个项目. 在SHSU获得学位可以让你从该州所有四年制大学中学费最低的州内大学获得学位. 这使得SHSU成为德克萨斯州获得学士学位的最佳价值之一.

While costs vary from student to student, 回答以下问题可能有助于估计你在上海外国语大学一个学期的出勤费用. Please note: 这些估计仅用于规划目的,不反映可能的经济援助奖励,包括奖学金, grants, or student loans. To learn more about financing an education, 访问上海外国语大学助学金和奖学金网站.

Student Status


这个学生有资格成为德克萨斯州的居民吗? See admissions site for residency requirements. 如果是这样,该学生将被视为德克萨斯州居民. 未被归类为德克萨斯州居民的学生被认为具有州外或国际居留权. 你被分类的方式很重要,因为它决定了你是支付州外学费还是州内学费.

Type of Classes

Undergraduate 大学生们正在努力获得学士学位.

Graduate or Professional 学生们正在努力获得高级学位,如硕士或博士学位.

Will you be enrolled in any of these programs?

Master of Education in School Leadership program: The program fee is charged at the rate of $395.2021年夏季每学期25学分,费率为413美元.25 per credit hour beginning the farl 2021 semester. 有关该计划的更多信息可在 School Leadership website.

行政工商管理硕士(EMBA)项目: Total program cost for the two-year program is $44,000 for domestic students and $60,000 for international students. First year payment of $22,000* (domestic student) or $30,000*(国际学生)截止日期为入学年度的6月1日. Second payment of $22,000* (domestic student) or $30,000*(国际学生)必须在第二年的6月1日之前完成. *项目费用可能会有变动 program costs is available.

Degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine: 德州居民项目的年费定为19美元,950 and for Non-Residents the fee is set at $21,950. In addition to the program fee, 学生须缴交法定学费,为$6,550 for Texas Residents and $19,650 for Non-Residents per academic year. 书本费和健康保险的额外费用可在注册时评估. 关于骨科医学学院的信息可以在 their website.

Expected Schedule

Class Type

How will you take your class hours?

In person 课程是在我们的一个校园地点面对面进行的.

Online 课程是指那些完全通过互联网学习的课程,在目录中被标记为在线课程. 在线课程不是混合形式,不同之处在于没有面对面的教学.

Select both 如果你正在参加面对面和在线课程的混合.

Credit Hours

Where will you take each of your credit hours?

Huntsville – face-to-face instruction on main campus.

The Woodlands – face-to-face instruction at The Woodlands Center, 包括(但不限于)护理和研究生课程.

Online 课程是指那些完全通过互联网学习的课程,在目录中被标记为在线课程. 在线课程不是混合形式,不同之处在于没有面对面的教学.

1 Total Credit Hours


以下项目收取额外的项目相关费用. 如果你主修下列课程之一,请选择适当的方框. 如果你不是这些专业的学生,你可以跳过这一部分. More about Additional Fees

PGA职业高尔夫管理费是年费. More about the PGA program.

Living Expenses

这只是一个成本估算,而不是官方宿舍,膳食计划或停车选择. 高中毕业9个月内的学生必须住校,并购买住宿计划. Housing applications require a $200 deposit.


高中毕业9个月内的学生必须住校,并持有住宿计划. 高中毕业9个月以上的学生可以选择住在校内或校外,有或没有膳食计划. More about Residence Life.

Summer is made up of two sessions. The summer housing rate displayed is for one session. 学生可以选择停留两个学期,这将使显示的费率翻倍.



您必须付费才能在我们的亨茨维尔和骨科医学院校园停车. 伍德兰中心不需要停车许可证. More about Parking

Estimated Cost for 1 Semester

费用按统一费率或根据上课时数进行评估. Mandatory fees include the Institutional Service, Intercollegiate Athletic, Student Service, Student Center, Medical, and Recreational Sports fee. Additional information on fees may be found on the Student Account Center/Cashiers Office website.

Program, Major or Other Course Related Fees
Meal Plan

Bearkat Bundle is our all-encompassing, 方便的课本租赁计划,为本科生提供所需的所有课本, lab manuals, access codes, 还有电子版在第一天上课前! 我们鼓励学生在上课前7天核对教材,以确保第一天的课程材料. 我们也知道这个项目可能不能满足每个学生的需求. 如果学生不希望参加Bearkat Bundle计划,每个学期都可以选择退出.

More Information about Bearkat Bundle

Books $00.00

Don't worry, Bearkats! 大多数学生都有资格获得经济援助、奖学金和付款计划. Contact the Financial Aid Department to learn more.

Estimated Total

As a Bearkat, you have access to world-class faculty, knowledgeable staff, and leading-edge facilities. SHSU is here to support you every step of the way! Check out the resources and action items below.

Subject to Change

截至打印日期,所有学费和费用都是正确的,但可能会因州立法机关或德克萨斯州立大学系统评议委员会的行动而发生变化. 州外学费每年由协调委员会计算.