采购 & 业务服务

采购、旅游、 & 支付

24财年预算公开. 更多的 about FY24 Requisitions

采购商品 & 服务

Our team aims to assist departments in procuring goods and services for the best value. We achieve this goal by providing vendor lists, invite departments to let us know about lower prices, and implement purchasing procedures.



供应商 must be registered or completed the 支付ee form to receive payment. 支付ments are disbursed within contract and invoice terms. If no due date or term is specified on the invoice, then payment is paid within 30 days, per the Prompt 支付 Act.


Our team is responsible for directing activities related to contracts for the purchase of goods, 材料, equipment and services. A contract manager will guide Contract/Evaluation Review Team throughout the process. Reach out to us to start the process!


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Coordinate University-Sponsored 旅行


旅行 procedures vary based on traveler classification, funding source, and destination. Employees should review procedures before coordinating travel.




旅行 procedures are designed to achieve the maximum cost efficiency. Allowable travel expenses vary based on funding source. For institutional funded travel, employees can enjoy the benefit of the travel card, which eliminates the employee's upfront cost for specific expenses.




There are two types of travel reports, pre-approval and expense. These reports are a necessity to guarantee approval, 资金负担, and reimbursement for expenses. The timeliness of these reports may impact your ability to travel or be reimbursed.



Build a Business Relationship

Our staff are committed to help all vendors succeed and have a mutually beneficial business relationship with the University. Learn about our open bids, request for proposals, vendor registration, invoicing, and payments.


To help vendors succeed, our team has implemented an advocacy plan to promote business with Historically Underutilized Businesses (中心). Check out our strategies to help you succeed.
