The 办公室 of 学术 Planning and Program Development facilitates institutional accreditation compliance, 跟踪, 和报告.  海默富兰克林, Associate Vice President for 学术 Planning and 评估, serves as SHSUs 认证 Liaison to the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学 (SACSCOC).

认证报告, 资源, and listings are available via the site navigation links on this page.  For additional information or questions regarding accreditation requirements, 请致电936-294-1536.

  • 认证报告

    Reaffirmation of 认证 Report: 

    山姆 Houston State University submitted its most recent SACSCOC重申 of 认证 Report in September 2018  (for a 2019 reaffirmation decision).


    品质提升计划 (QEP):

    山姆 Houston State University submitted its most recent SACSCOC 品质提升计划 in April 2019. 


    Archived 认证报告:

    SACSCOC 第五年中期报告 2015年3月

    SACSCOC重申 of 认证 Report September 2008  (for a 2009 reaffirmation decision)

  • 认证资源


    根据 U.S. 教育部, "the goal of accreditation is to ensure that education provided by institutions of higher education meets acceptable levels of quality. 认证机构, which are private educational associations of regional or national scope, develop evaluation criteria and conduct peer evaluations to assess whether or not those criteria are met. Institutions and/or programs that request an agency's evaluation and that meet an agency's criteria are then "accredited" by that agency."

    From which agencies does SHSU seek/hold accreditation?

    SHSU seeks accreditation both for the institution as a whole and for specific degree programs.  Institutional accreditation is subject to the institution meeting and remaining in compliance with the accrediting standards of the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学 (SACSCOC), a recognized regional accrediting body in the eleven U.S. 南部各州(阿拉巴马州), 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, 田纳西州, Texas and Virginia) and in Latin America for those institutions of higher education that award associate, 学士学位, master's or doctoral degrees.  Program specific accreditations are discipline and agency specific.  A complete listing of accreditations held by SHSU is available on the University/Program 认证评估 网页.  

    What are SACSCOC accrediting standards?

    The Commission on 大学 bases its accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions and entities on requirements in the Principles of 认证: Foundations for Quality Enhancement. These requirements apply to all institutional programs and services, regardless of location or delivery method.


    Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学 (SACSCOC)

    The Council for Higher 教育 认证

    U.S. 教育部 - 认证 in the United States

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