

A standardized exam designed to show colleges how prepared you are for higher education. This exam measures your knowledge of reading comprehension, writing conventions and computational skills.

  • TESTING DAYS (Huntsville 校园)
    • 行为 registration is handled through the 测试ing company. 请访问 their 网站 to register for the exam.
      • (测试 dates are subject to change without notice.)

    • Examinees need to report to the 测试ing site at least 15 - 30分钟 prior to their scheduled 测试ing time on their scheduled 测试ing date.  
    • Test registration is completed through the 行为 网站.
    • 请访问 行为.org to complete registration
  • 项目需要

    Testing candidates will need to bring the following items with them on the day of 测试ing.

    • 照片的身份证
      • Must be current valid ID issued by city/state/federal government agency or school
      • School ID must be in hard plastic format
      • First and Last names must match ticket. 
      • Photo must be clear and recognizable.  
    • 行为 admissions ticket- must be printed
    • 2号铅笔
    • Calculator (only used on the Math section) 请访问 行为 网站 for permitted calculators.  
    • Snacks to eat outside the 测试ing room during breaks
  • 分数
    • Scores will be available on the 行为 网站 through the secure web account access
    • Scores are updated weekly you will need to continue to check your account until your scores are posted
      • Multiple Choice scores usually take 2 weeks after 测试ing date
      • Writing scores are usually available 4 weeks after 测试ing date
    • NOTE: customer care cannot release scores by phone, email or fax


  • 住宿
    • For accommodations requests please visit the 行为 网站.
      • requests must be completed by the late registration deadline.
  • 网站
    • 请浏览 行为 网站 for more information.