Mac OS更新

To complete your update, use the instructions below.

  • Updating to Monterey 12.6.3

    When your device is eligible for an update you will see the Your device requires a security update 请注意. If you are ready to update your device 现在,点击 更新设备.


    You will then see the 软件更新 窗口,点击 更多信息 就在 Another update is available.


    Next,点击 the box to check the macOS Monterey 12.6.3 12.6.3 1.59GB 选项并单击 现在安装.

    Mont12.6.3 (4)

    This will start the installation of the operating system. This process can take 15 - 30分钟.  Once the progress is complete, you will be prompted to restart.


    点击 重新启动 to restart your device.


    祝贺你!  Your device is 现在 updated. 

    If you’re unable to update your device at this time, you may defer the update by clicking on 推迟. This will allow you to postpone the update for a time that is more convenient for you. 


    NOTE: If you DO NOT update before the deadline you will not be given the option to defer and will be presented will the following screen.


    At this time, you will no longer be able to defer to your update and will need to click on 更新设备 and follow the steps above.

  • Updating to 文图拉 13.0

    When your device is eligible for an update you will see that Your device requires a security update 请注意. If you are ready to update to 文图拉 please follow these steps.


    然后你需要 发射台 instead of clicking “更新设备然后打开 自助服务.


    然后你需要 to search for macOS 文图拉 Update 点击安装. This can take some time (ETA is 5-10mins).


    Once the OS is installed it will ask for a password this will be your SHSU password, and it will need to be entered twice.


    Once this is completed it will start the installation of Monterey 12.2 and this process can take between 15 - 30分钟, you will be prompted to restart. 点击 重新启动 to restart your device.


    祝贺你!  Your device is 现在 updated.  

    If you’re unable to update your device at this time, you may defer the update by clicking on 推迟. This will allow you to postpone the update for a time that is more convenient for you. 


    NOTE: If you DO NOT update before the deadline you will not be given the option to defer and will be presented will the following screen.

    At this time, you will no longer be able to defer to your update and will need to click on 更新设备 and follow the steps above.