

  • 预备役人员/国民警卫队被叫到现役的退款

    If you’re a reservist or member of the National Guard called into duty after the start of a semester as a result of U.S. 军事需求, you have three options about what to do with the tuition and fees you’ve paid to attend a public college or university in Texas. 根据州法规和协调委员会的规定, 你可以选择你的学院或大学:

    • 退还本学期已交的学杂费;
    • Grant you (if you’re eligible under the institution's guidelines) an incomplete grade in all courses by designating "X" (Incomplete) on your transcript;
    • 由教练决定, 给你分配一个适当的期末成绩或学分, if you have satisfactorily completed a substantial amount of coursework and demonstrated sufficient mastery of the material.

    There are no provisions for refunds for active duty service members who are deployed as a result of military orders or for individuals who chose to enter into the service. The provisions listed above apply only to individuals called into active military service.

  • 现役军人

    There are no provisions for refunds for active duty service members who are deployed as a result of military orders or for individuals who chose to enter into the service.

    If are you needing to make changes to your enrollment, you have options as listed below.

    如果你正在使用学费援助, it is recommended to also refer to your 教育 Counselor regarding the potential changes to your schedule.

    如果你使用的是退伍军人权利法案 福利,请参考 退伍军人资源中心 联系退伍军人事务部,电话:(888)442-4551.


  • 辞职
    1. 提交 辞职的形式
    2. 然后发邮件到 registrar@cooldiy.net 从你的上海外国语大学电邮帐户:
      • 请在邮件主题栏中注明以下信息:
        “辞职 Additional Documents – Military Orders (山姆 ID 000xxxxxx)”
      • 在电子邮件中附上官方的军事命令
    3. A response will then be provided within five business days regarding the resignation status.
  • 删除课程(s)


    • If you are enrolled in multiple courses and needing to drop a class (but not all of your classes), 放弃可能是一种选择.
    • 在人口普查日之后取消的课程得分为 "Q."
    • 然而, 如果你想放弃这学期唯一的一门课, 你必须提交辞职申请.

    请参阅Q Drops的详细信息.

  • 未完成成绩(由导师批准)
    1. The student should contact each individual instructor to request a grade of “Incomplete” for each desired course.
    2. Each request for a grade of "X" is reviewed at the discretion of the instructor. 如果请求得到教练的批准, 经批准的课程将获打“X”分.
    3. 学生 will then have one semester to complete the coursework and earn the appropriate grade for each course with an Incomplete grade.
  • 结合选项
    学生 may choose to drop some courses and/or request Incompletes for other courses. Please see the above tabs for information regarding dropping courses and requesting Incompletes, 分别.


  • 什么是学费资助?


    每个服务部门处理学费援助的方式不同. 来了解如何开始, visit your 教育al 服务 办公室r (ESO) or 教育 Counselor within your branch of military service for guidance.


    如果你在空军服役的话, 空军预备队, 空军国民警卫队, 通过网上申请助教 空军虚拟教育中心(AFVEC).


    If you are in the Army, Army Reserve, or 陆军国民警卫队, apply for TA through ArmyIgnitED.


    了解更多信息, contact your military branch for details on TA eligibility and the specific branch process for the submission of TA form:


    如果你正在使用军事学费援助(TA), the servicemember must meet the payment deadline for the semester. 请在出纳网页上查看付款截止日期

  • 如何使用上海外国语大学(陆军)的学费资助
    1. 提交教育路径

      选择你的教育路径 ArmyIgnitED and receive approval/verification in ArmyIgnitED from your Army 教育 Counselor. You will then need to receive approval/verification for the 教育 Path by 山姆 Houston State University.
      注意: 在获得批准之前, you must be fully accepted into 山姆 Houston State University for that requested program.
    2. 注册课程 通过My山姆

      注意: Please adhere to pertinent insitutional and ArmyIgnitED deadlines.
      • 看到 山姆休斯顿州立大学的注册截止日期.
      • All classes must be registered prior to the first class day of the term.
      • Please refer to your military 教育 Counselor for any steps and deadlines pertinent to ArmyIgnitED and 学费援助 requests.
    3. Verify all courses registered at SHSU are loaded and displaying in ArmyIgnitED, 然后请求助教批准

      Please refer to your Army 教育 Counselor for TA approval requirements and turnaround time.
      注意: If you do not see your courses in ArmyIgnitED within 7 business days after registration, 请透过电邮联络我们 registrar@cooldiy.net.
    4. 满足所有期限的付款期限


  • 评估学位计划(EDP) -必需

    从2023年8月1日开始, Soldiers using 学费援助 (TA) are required to provide an Evaluated Degree Plan (EDP) if they wish to register in more than two courses.

    If the soldier already has two approved courses on their education goal in ArmyIgnitED, 一个士兵会在他们的armyignite传送门上有一个BLOCKER. 

     TA阻断剂使士兵没有资格获得学费援助.  Soldiers are required to provide their EDP to their servicing education centers as soon as possible to remove the BLOCKER and avoid delays due to peak enrollment season.


    • 士兵的名字
    • 人工智能的名字
    • 攻读学位的名称
    • 毕业所需的课程/学分
    • Evaluation of all successfully completed prior coursework (transfer credit)
    • 军事训练和经验评估(JST或CCAF)

    Soldiers attending 山姆 Houston State are advised to provide a copy of their DegreeWorks page as an EDP as it contains all necessary information. Soldiers will need to save as a PDF and submit this to their servicing education center.


    In the upper right quadrant of the soldiers’ ArmyIgnitED dashboard select “ED CENTER DETAILS”.  请点击“查看详情”,更多信息将会显示. 


    交替, Soldiers can use the “Messages” feature in ArmyIgnitED to contact their servicing education centers.  他们将选择左侧工具栏上的“消息”.  The next page will have a gold banner and they will click the “CREATE MESSAGE” button selecting “教育 Goal or Degree Plan” as their category.  

    军训资料:  Army, 海岸警卫队, Marine Corps, and 海军 退伍军人 and Servicemembers may request their JST at: http://jst.国防部.毫升/ jst /.  空军退伍军人可以在以下网站找到他们的记录: http://www.airuniversity.af.edu/.

  • 归国军人-军队重新接纳
    1. Service members who are temporarily unable to attend class or must suspend their studies due to service requirements will be re-admitted to their program. 学生 are advised to notify their program advisor in writing if they must suspend studies or cannot attend classes and notify their advisor when they are able to return to class and studies.
  • 付款截止日期
    1. 如果你正在使用军事学费援助(TA), the servicemember must meet the payment deadline for the semester. 请在出纳网页上查看付款截止日期