生物学, 文学学士, 理学学士

可用: 在校园

The Department of Biological 科学 offers a 文学学士 and a 理学学士 in 生物学. These two degrees provide 灵活性 so students can customize course work to meet their individual interests and career goals.

The 文学学士 in 生物学 is an ideal degree for students interested in gaining a broad background in the Biological 科学. It requires four semesters of a foreign language and a minor. There are several minors to choose from which gives you 灵活性 to design a well-rounded education.

The 理学学士 in 生物学 provides a strong foundation in science while allowing you to focus on a specific biology sub-discipline*. This degree will prepare you for nearly any science-related field. The BS is ideal for students that are seeking a career as a professional biologist in industry or 政府, or plan to apply to graduate school or to a professional program like medical or dental school.

*The available sub-disciplines are general biology, 动物学, 植物学, cell and molecular biology, 和生物技术.


We are a diverse faculty with expertise in a range of biological disciplines.  教师 are engaged professors and maintain accessibility outside the classroom to facilitate learning beyond lecture.  They are also current researchers.  You can gain practical research experience by working with faculty as a research technician for course credit, 作为志愿者, 或从事有偿工作.


The Department of Biological 科学 houses an animal facility, 温室, and laboratories with a scanning electron microscope and modern molecular biology equipment. We maintain the Warner Herbarium, 山姆 Houston State Vertebrate Museum, Texas Bird Sound Library, and the Center for Biological Field Studies, a 250-acre field station that contains the Southeast Texas Applied Forensic Science Facility.


  • 森林管理
  • 医学技术专家
  • USDA quarantine officer
  • 专利审查员
  • 国家公园指南
  • 法医科学家
  • 科学记者
  • 中小学教师
  • Pharmaceutical or biotech sales rep
  • 博物馆馆长
  • 营养学家
  • 野生动物学家
  • 公共卫生官员

Or continue your education with 研究生学位.


Brief breakdown of the type, 或类型, 学位(s)可用, 他们的长度, 可以注册, 估算成本.
类别 度总结
长度 120学时
必修课程 文学学士 in 生物学 (BA)
理学学士 in 生物学 (BS)
招生 秋天和春天
学费/成本 每学期费用

本科 Application Deadlines

  • 秋季:8月1日
  • 春季:12月15日
  • 夏季:5月15日