地理mgm集团线路检测中心, 文学学士, 理学学士

可用: 在校园

地理mgm集团线路检测中心 is an all-encompassing discipline that involves the interdisciplinary study of places and the relationships between people and their environment from a spatial perspective. 作为一门学科, it includes the study of both the physical or natural environment, as well as the cultural world within which we live. Thus, geographers focus on understanding climates, 地形, 植被, 土壤和水, yet also study urban areas, 国际事务中, 人口, 经济学, 公共卫生, 运输, 宗教, 语言, and other human-related phenomena. 地理mgm集团线路检测中心 also entails the use and application of a host of geospatial tools and technologies as a means to study the aforementioned subject matter, including geographic information science (GIS), 遥感, global positioning systems (GPS), 计算机制图学, 以及基于网络的地图. For an individual curious about the world, 以及他们在其中的地位, few disciplines satisfy that curiosity as much as geography.


At Sam Houston State University, geography majors can choose to focus their studies around one of two concentrations:

Environment, 文化 and Development
For students interested in the interdisciplinary study of physical and human environments, including physical geography, 人口, 文化, conservation of natural resources, 水文, race & 种族, 城市化, 运输, environmental sustainability, 旅游, and sustainable development. This concentration is available as a BA or BS degree.

Geographic 信息 Systems (GIS)
For students interested in developing advanced skills with technologies such as 遥感, GIS, 计算机制图学, 数字图像处理, and global positioning systems (GPS). The concentration is available as a BS degree.


学生 should select a minor that suits their interests and career goals. 建议的未成年人包括, 但不限于, 地球空间科学, 地质, 教育, 社区参与, 经济学, 社会学, 历史, 国际业务, 军事科学, 政治科学, 或者外语.


地理mgm集团线路检测中心 students have opportunities to participate in field study and/or travel courses across a variety of locations that directly immerse them within processes and concepts learned in the classroom. Past locations have included the Mississippi Delta, 夏威夷, 泰国, Spain, 摩洛哥, 巴西, Cuba, 和厄瓜多尔. 除了, many geography courses available on campus incorporate a variety of field activities and/or trips to local field sites that offer hands-on experience. 


  • Urban and regional planning/local government
  • 地理信息系统分析师/程序员
  • Environmental consulting/emergency management
  • Geoscientist/geo-technician
  • 水文学家
  • Forestry/pipe-line management
  • 地理mgm集团线路检测中心分析
  • 国家气候学家
  • 公共卫生顾问
  • 社会活动家
  • 教育/教学

Or continue your 教育 with a 研究生学位.


Brief breakdown of the type, 或类型, 学位(s)可用, 他们的长度, 可以注册, 估算成本.
类别 度总结
Length 120-122学时
必修课程 文学学士 (BA): Environment, 文化, and Development Concentration
理学学士 (BS): Environment, 文化, and Development Concentration
理学学士 (BS): Geo-spatial 信息 科学 Concentration
招生 秋天和春天
学费/成本 每学期费用

本科 Application Deadlines

  • 秋季:8月1日
  • 春季:12月15日
  • 夏季:5月15日