Bilingual Health Care Studies, 文学学士

可用: 在校园

The Department of Public Health at 山姆 Houston State University (SHSU) offers a bilingual healthcare studies degree that prepares you to be a culturally competent bilingual patient navigator in various healthcare settings.  A patient navigator is a health services career path in the U.S. 或者在其他国家.  A bilingual health care studies professional addresses the diverse cultural issues, 宗教信仰, and specific conventions that can create a barrier to patient accessibility and availability of health care.  You will learn to be a culturally and linguistically capable health interpreter and translator that knows appropriate behaviors, 故作姿态的技能, and verbal and non-verbal communication techniques.  Our degree offers language options for Spanish, Arabic, French, or German.


The health education component of the degree includes the content areas of community health; epidemiology; principles of US health systems; public health; medical terminology; nutrition and dietetics; grief, 损失, and death counseling; and the study of communicable and non-communicable diseases. The language options available through the degree include Spanish, Arabic, French, and German. These linguistic focus areas represent the changing cultural demographics of the major Texas health markets. 学生 have the option to select electives in the academic support areas of sociology, family and consumer sciences, 辅导教育, 和哲学.


Bilingual health care studies majors have the option to participate in a 200-hour professional internship in health services organizations.

职业生涯s in Bilingual Health Care Studies

Work as a patient navigator/advocate in a variety of settings:

  • 私人住宅
  • 医院
  • 组织 such as the American Cancer Society or Patient Advocate Foundation
  • 政府机构


Brief breakdown of the type, 或类型, 学位(s)可用, 他们的长度, 可以注册, 估算成本.
类别 度总结


长度 120学时
招生 秋天和春天
学费/成本 每学期费用

本科 Application Deadlines

  • 秋季:8月1日
  • 春季:12月15日
  • 夏季:5月15日