
大众传播, 文学学士

可用: 在校园

Two students recording in a sound booth.

The 文学学士 in 大众传播 (MCOM) offers emphases on multi-platform journalism广播生产电影制作public relations and 广告. The dep艺术ment also offers a Bachelor of Fine 艺术 degree in film and TV production*. 研究生s can enter a variety of fields, including but not limited to video production, print and television news, broadcast and cable sales, 媒体管理, 广告, digital media production, promotions/public relations, 企业媒体. In addition, students who wish to teach in secondary education may double major in 大众传播 (Journalism) and 教育.


Junior- and senior-level students who meet requirements may enroll in semester-long professional internships. MCOM students have interned at national media outlets, 地区媒体机构, at specialized institutional sites such as the Texas State Senate.


学生 in mass communication should select a specialized area of free electives compatible with their professional goals by discussing their career plans with an advisor. For example, electives in management and marketing are desirable for public relations & 广告. 历史, 英语, 外语, 艺术, 剧院, 社会学, other social sciences and fine 艺术s are helpful to all emphases. 学生 with a multi-platform journalism emphasis could benefit from free electives in political science or history.

All students in the mass communication program will complete a dep艺术mental four-course core that provides a foundation for success in a variety of media fields. All majors and minors must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in each mass communication course and successfully pass the dep艺术mental required competency writing and production tests.

职业生涯s in 大众传播

  • 大众媒体
  • 公关公司
  • Corporate communication programs
  • 非营利性机构
  • 高中


Brief breakdown of the type, 或类型, 学位(s)可用, 他们的长度, 可以注册, 估算成本.
类别 度总结
长度 120学时
必修课程 文学士(BA)
BA: Broadcast Production Concentration
BA: Multiplatform Journalism Concentration
公共关系 & Advertising Concentration
BA: Double Major in 教育 and 大众传播 (Journalism)
招生 秋天和春天
学费/成本 每学期费用

本科 Application Deadlines

  • 秋季:8月1日
  • 春季:12月15日
  • 夏季:5月15日