会计, Bachelor of Business 政府

可用: 在校园

An instructor is guiding an accounting student who is using a computer.

The Bachelor of Business 政府 in accounting from 山姆 Houston State University prepares graduates to approach, 分析, and shape financial practices within a business organization and communicate complex ideas effectively.

The Texas State Board of Public Accountancy requires CPA examination applicants to have completed 150 semester hours of college credit, so completion of the BBA alone will not qualify you to take the CPA examination. Pursuing the Master of Science in accounting in addition to the BBA will satisfy the requirement.


To major in accounting, a student must maintain a minimum overall grade point average of at least 2.5 and earn a “C” or better in each of the 10 accounting courses (30 credit hours).

At least 50 percent of the required business curriculum for the BBA degree must be taken in residence at 山姆 Houston State University.


The department assists students with paid internship opportunities that offer students the chance to work in the public accounting profession while earning academic credit. Eligible students compete for available internship positions during the spring of their junior year. In addition, there are other internship opportunities in industry accounting.

职业生涯s in 会计

  • 会计师
  • 税务会计
  • 成本会计
  • Government accountant
  • 预算会计
  • 审计师
  • 精算师
  • 评估师
  • 预算分析
  • 信贷分析师
  • 财务审查员
  • 税务检查
  • 税务员
  • 教育家

Or continue your education with 研究生学位.


Brief breakdown of the type, 或类型, of degree(s) available, 他们的长度, 可以注册, 估算成本.
类别 度总结
长度 120学时
必修课程 Bachelor of Business 政府 in 会计
招生 秋天和春天
学费/成本 每学期费用

本科 Application Deadlines

  • 秋季:8月1日
  • 春季:12月15日
  • 夏季:5月15日