Geographic 信息 Systems, 毕业证书

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The Department of Geography 和 Geology at SHSU offers a GIS 毕业证书 Program developed to provide students with GIS skills required in today's job market. The GIS certificate curriculum is developed with the objective of providing a solid foundation in GIS theories 和 applications. 学生 enrolled in the GIS Certificate program at SHSU will learn to use technological tools 和 skills in their areas of expertise 和 in several major application areas. This includes the use of GIS in infrastructure management, the oil 和 gas industry, 公共卫生, 规划, 和 business applications. The curriculum will provide students with h和s-on experience in major GIS 和 remote sensing vendor-specific 和 open-source software packages, 如ArcGIS,ERDAS公司想象, Geoda, 和融合. 学生将学习:

  • different spatial data structures 和 their essential properties;
  • principles 和 methods for collecting spatial data;
  • principles of map design 和 effective cartographic communication;
  • methods of spatial analysis, ways spatial data can be used to investigate complex problems; 和
  • how to customize GIS software to meet organizational needs.

The program is intended to serve: 

  • recent graduates who wish to acquire technical expertise to support the knowledge gained in their undergraduate major;
  • returning students who wish to acquire specialized training to meet current or future job requirements; 和
  • students at the graduate level who wish to demonstrate a level of mastery of the subject area by obtaining a certificate.


Brief breakdown of the type, 或类型, 可获得的学位, 他们的长度, 可以注册, 估算成本.
类别 证书的总结
目录项 毕业证书
长度 15学时
招生 秋天,春天
成本 每学期费用
Admission Requirements Application Materials
