
The 学院 刑事司法 generously supports students in their pursuit of higher education, thanks to a network of contributors and organizations that believe in our mission. We offer more than 50 scholarships for graduate students, undergraduate students, and incoming freshman with criminal justice majors. 看到一个 完整的列表 of our scholarships and qualifications to apply.

Priority Deadline for all scholarship applications is November 1st.
All 学院 刑事司法 scholarship applications must be turned in by Jan 31.

To make it easy to apply for all scholarships at 山姆 Houston State University, we have adopted a single application process, called 奖学金4Kats where you can apply for all scholarship opportunities in one place. A step-by-step guide is available on the 金融援助 办公室's website. Priority Deadline for all scholarship applications is November 1st. All 学院 刑事司法 scholarship applications must be turned in by Jan 31.

学生 will be notified via mail from the department offering the scholarship and via e-mail from the 金融援助 & 奖学金 办公室 if they are awarded. 学生 can also view their award packages on their Self-Service 横幅.

Are you interested in contributing to or creating a scholarship at the 学院 刑事司法?

Make a donation and join the CJ之友 今天. Your gift can provide annual support to our program and enable us to continue our groundbreaking work in educating the next generation of scholars and leaders.

For further information about the 学院 刑事司法 scholarship program, contact:


短T. 吉尔伯特

Director of Development
CJC a - 113