

The 荣誉学院 mission is to offer a unique and intellectual academic environment that emphasizes undergraduate research and personal growth.

艾略特T型. 鲍尔斯荣誉学院 offers scholarships to incoming 荣誉 freshmen every fall semester, 包括 荣誉奖学金 (每年23)及 艾略特T型. 鲍尔斯荣誉奖学金 (2 每年). 这些竞争性奖学金是 selected from a qualified applicant pool 先到先得. Candidates will be invited for a Zoom interview.

Incoming freshmen are encouraged to apply to the 荣誉学院 as soon as possible and to take the SAT or ACT test.

Note: to be considered for a scholarship, students must be first accepted into the 荣誉学院.


Qualifying incoming freshmen will be considered for the 荣誉奖学金. Recipients of this competitive scholarship (distributed over an SHSU undergraduate college career no longer than four years, 最多40美元,000) will be selected from the eligible applicant pool. Incoming freshmen who meet the requirements are encouraged to apply as soon as possible and to take either the SAT or ACT test. Interviews for the following Fall semester will take place in January (November application deadline) and March (March 1st application deadline). 

资格: to be eligible to apply, students must: 

  • have demonstrated excellence in academics and leadership 
  • have achieved scores of 1320 (SAT) or 29 (ACT) 
  • 被艾略特学院录取了吗. 鲍尔斯荣誉学院 
  • be incoming first-time freshmen (high school graduates with dual or AP credit are eligible) 

奖学金续期要求: 荣誉奖学金 will renew each academic year (up to eight undergraduate semesters), provided students meet the following: 

  • live in the 荣誉 dorms their first year 
  • maintain Status One in the 荣誉学院, meeting all requirements for satisfactory academic progress toward graduation “With 荣誉” 
  • maintain full-time enrollment (12 credit hours) at SHSU each fall and spring semester. NOTE: Scholarship funds will not be awarded if students are enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours. 学生 who fall below 12 hours during a semester will be put on probation (without scholarship) the following semester 
  • maintain a cumulative SHSU GPA of at least 3.25 
  • 每学期获得荣誉 
  • attend 3 qualifying honors events per year 
  • enroll in face-to-face courses (cannot be enrolled 100% online) 
  • follow and complete a self-designed 荣誉 Scholar Track 卓越 毕业前* 

*Note: Scholarship recipient classes of Fall 2022 and earlier are not required to complete an 荣誉 Scholar Track. 然而,这是受到高度鼓励的. 


The scholarship will be awarded per 学术 Year (eight fall and spring semesters only) as follows: 





If the student graduates in fewer than eight semesters, the student will forfeit any remaining scholarship funds. 

如需申请,请发送电子邮件 stating your interest in joining 荣誉. If the student is eligible, they will be sent a personalized link to apply. 

If a student has already been accepted into the program but was not contacted about an interview and believes a mistake has been made, 请尽快给我们发邮件. 


艾略特T型. 鲍尔斯荣誉奖学金 

艾略特T型. 鲍尔斯荣誉学院 offers two academic scholarships (distributed over an SHSU undergraduate college career no longer than four years, 最多80美元,000) each fall semester to academically strong and highly motivated incoming first-time freshmen. 鲍尔斯奖学金 设计, 在某种程度上, to bring “exceptionally motivated and capable students” into an academic and social environment consisting of their academic peers, while providing them with a means for close interaction with faculty and for enhanced educational opportunities. To facilitate this unique opportunity for qualifying students, the scholarship is intended to help defray the costs of attending college. 鲍尔斯奖学金 Fund was established in 1989 to honor Dr. 艾略特T. 鲍尔斯(1919 - 2003), who served as the ninth president of 山姆 Houston State University from 1970 to 1989.  

资格: to be eligible to apply, students must: 

  • be incoming first-time freshmen (high school graduates with dual or AP credit are eligible) 
  • 被艾略特学院录取了吗. 鲍尔斯荣誉学院 
  • have achieved scores of 1350 (SAT) or 30 (ACT)  
  • have demonstrated excellence in academics and leadership 

奖学金续期要求: 鲍尔斯奖学金 will renew each academic year (up to eight undergraduate semesters) provided students meet the following: 

  • live in the 荣誉 dorms their first year 
  • maintain Status One in the 荣誉学院, meeting all requirements for satisfactory academic progress toward graduation “With Highest 荣誉” (Read about graduating with Highest 荣誉)
  • maintain full-time enrollment (12 credit hours) at SHSU each fall and spring semester. NOTE: Scholarship funds will not be awarded if students are enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours. 学生 who fall below 12 hours during a semester will be put on probation (without scholarship) the following semester 
  • maintain a cumulative SHSU GPA of at least 3.25 
  • 每学期获得荣誉 
  • 完成荣誉论文 
  • attend 3 qualifying honors events per year 
  • enroll in face-to-face courses (cannot be enrolled 100% online) 
  • conduct themselves in a professional manner as benefits an 荣誉 student 

If the student graduates in fewer than eight semesters, the student will forfeit any remaining scholarship funds. 

如需申请,请发送电子邮件 stating your interest in joining 荣誉. If the student is eligible, they will be sent a personalized link to apply. 

If a student has already been accepted into the program but was not contacted about an interview and believes a mistake has been made, 请尽快给我们发邮件. 


艾略特T型. 鲍尔斯荣誉学院

学术 Building IV Suite 202 | Box 2479 | 亨茨维尔,德克萨斯州77341-2479

电话:(936)294.1477 |邮箱: