社交媒体 的指导方针

山姆 Houston State University encourages the use of social media platforms to connect with our Bearkat community. 社会 media sites are excellent venues to communicate and encourage engagement across diverse audiences. These guidelines and best practices will help to ensure that university-sponsored social media is both legal and in compliance with university policies.

Are you interested in starting a social media presence for your department/area?
Do you have questions about these guidelines?

联系人: 社会媒体@cooldiy.net


品牌: For any SHSU 社交媒体 Site, the social media icon and/or profile image must comply with any applicable University branding standards. The social media icon and/or profile image can be a photograph related to the administrator’s entity, an approved art for that entity, or another appropriately branded image. All images should be 72 dpi resolution for the web.

删除: Comments, posts and users must not be deleted, hidden or blocked. Administrators of the site should contact the 整合营销 通信 department to request authorization to hide or delete any material or to block a user from a site.

著作权法: All SHSU 社交媒体 Sites must respect intellectual property rights and federal Copyright law.

大学政策: All SHSU 社交媒体 Sites must respect university policies.

可访问性: All content on SHSU 社交媒体 Sites must comply with Federal, State and University accessibility policies to ensure that the information is accessible and usable by people with the widest range of capabilities possible.

第九条: Report all 社交媒体 related allegations of sexual misconduct or any form of discrimination. You may contact 整合营销 通信 or the 办公室 of Equity & 第九条. Reports may be submitted anonymously online.

使用条款: Obey the terms of use for your social media platform. These rules are constantly changing so it is your duty to stay up to date.

网站管理: SHSU 社交媒体 Sites will have a minimum of 两个管理员 to ensure that the site is consistently managed. Passwords should be updated at least twice a year. Sites must be regularly monitored.


Presence and Maintenance

How often should I check the account?
社会 media accounts at SHSU should be monitored each day to engage with users, 检查提到, review comments and respond to direct messages. Communicate any concerning comments to 整合营销 通信. 社会 media sites that are not regularly checked or utilized are not permitted.

How often should I post?
The frequency of updates varies for each channel and audience. Use an editorial calendar to plan and schedule content more efficiently. Don’t hoard content and post it all at once. Posting several pieces of content one after the other will not be seen by your audience and will lower your reach/impressions metric.

  • 推特: Users expect frequent updates. SHSU 社交媒体 sites should have enough content to post every day.
  • 脸谱网: Users expect regular content. Plan for posting main feed content 3-5 times each week. 脸谱网 stories are a great place to post daily updates, stories are posted for 24 hours and then are no longer available to the user.
  • Instagram: Plan for posting main feed content 3-5 times each week. Instagram stories are a great place to post daily updates, stories are posted for 24 hours and then are no longer available to the user. Reels can be utilized as well.
  • Youtube和Flickr: For a video or photo platform like Flickr or YouTube, where content is less likely to be fed en masse into a user’s stream, update according to how much content you have available. If you have a video a day or a video a month, either is fine. If you have no photos for three weeks before receiving 50 from a recent event, feel free to add them all at once.

Measurement and Analytics

How do I know if a post was successful?
Analytics gives us insight into our audiences and content performance. Impressions and engagement are important metrics in reviewing your content.

How do I find post/site metrics?
Most platforms have several dashboards for content and audience metrics. Some metrics are displayed with or beside the individual content. Some dashboards vary between desktop and mobile applications.

Dedicated Dashboards:

  • 微博分析
  • Insights on 脸谱网 creator studio
  • Meta商务套件
  • TikTok分析
  • Linkedin – Analytics - Updates
  • Youtube Channel Analytics

What is the difference between Reach and Impressions?
Reach is the number of unique people who see your content. Impressions are the number of times your content is displayed. Not all platforms offer the Reach metric.

Content and Community

What writing style is best?
Be personable and accessible, while keeping in mind the guidelines offered here. Having a personality and a voice will help you build your audience.

How do I gain followers?
While it is tempting to use followers as a metric by which to assess the success of a social media site, it is not the ideal measurement. Every community is different. You may have fewer followers, but if you are cultivating a highly engaged community, the number means little. Site followers will grow over time when you engage your audience regularly, show authenticity and post consistently.

What features should I use for content posting?
Depending on your audience and your goals, different platform features may be utilized. In addition to main feed posts, try other features such as stories, reels/vertical video, 和轮询. 在发布故事时, tag accounts that you would like to share your content, Instagram does not allow stories sharing without a tag.

How do I use Hashtags?
When used properly, hashtags are a great way for social posts to increase visibility and engagement. Before using a hashtag, search the content that previously used this tag to see if it is appropriate to join that larger conversation. When writing a post description, only the hashtags that are relevant to that post.

# Bearkats
# EatEmUpKats
# BearkatExcellence
# BearkatService
# SHSU22 # SHSU26

Is my content Accessible?
Be sure to use little or no text on images when posting. Add alt-text to all images and captions to all videos. Write Hashtags in camel case so that they are easier to read. #eatemupkats # EatEmUpKats

更多关于 Accessibility best practices

What content should I post?
Remember that your social media sites are an extension of your community, this is not a bulletin board of events but a place to engage and foster relationships with your audience. Posting images of people will ultimately be more successful than posting a graphic.