

24财年预算公开. 更多关于FY24申请单

It is the policy of the University to use competitive purchasing whenever possible to obtain items or services using any source of funds. 购买s can be made with a purchase order, p-card, and direct pays within reason. Before making any purchase, you should review 可列支的费用 采购程序.



To complete a transaction with a purchase order (PO), you must submit a purchase requisition through BearKatBuy. A purchase requisition is a document which transmits a request for goods or services with the authority of the requestor. A PO can be used to purchase from catalog and non-catalog suppliers.


目录 suppliers are referred to as Hosted and Punch-out Suppliers in BearKatBuy. To complete a purchase requisition with a catalog supplier, complete the checkout process through the supplier store. You may need to request a quote from a punch-out supplier, 比如家得宝, if your item is not readily available in the catalog store.


请在“本机构使用的表格” for non-catalog suppliers, orders with multiple invoices, memberships, and Aramark catering.

欲了解更多信息,请 watch our BearKatBuy training in Talent 管理ment.

BearKatBuy 查找帐号代码

使用 & 管理p卡

P-Cards are procurement cards issued to departments and organizations upon request. P-Cards may be used when a vendor does not accept purchase orders and items are not available through a catalog supplier. Items available through catalog suppliers are not eligible for purchase on the P-Card. P-Cards are expensed in Chrome河.


开始报告 提交报告


2024年3月4日- 4月3日

2024年4月6日星期六 2024年4月15日,周一,下午5点.m.


2024年4月4日- 5月3日

星期一,2024年5月6日 2024年5月15日星期三下午5点.m.


2024年5月4日- 6月3日

2024年6月6日,星期四 2024年6月17日,星期一,下午5点.m.


2024年6月4日- 7月3日

2024年7月6日星期六 2024年7月15日,星期一,下午5点.m.


2024年7月4日- 8月3日

2024年8月6日星期二 2024年8月15日星期四下午5点前.m.


2024年8月4日- 9月3日

2024年9月6日,星期五 2024年9月11日星期三下午5点.m.

欲了解更多信息,请 register for our P-Card training Talent 管理ment.



Direct payments, also referred to as Direct 支付s, do not require a purchase order. Direct payment purchases are limited to purchases using agency funds, 娱乐, 现场商务餐 & 饮料s, mortgages, leases, rent, replenishment of postal meters, utilities, and visa fees. Direct pays are created in BearKatBuy for all 7XXXX account codes. All other accounts, such as revenue or clearing accounts, must submit a paper 直接缴款表格.

BearKatBuy 直接缴款表格
Purchasing 食品,促销物品和礼品

University departments may not use state funds to purchase food, with the exception of the Law Enforcement 管理ment Institute of Texas and the Corrections 管理ment Institute of Texas. 所有的食物, 饮料, and refreshment purchases require the approval of the 金融 管理r and shall be funded only out of auxiliary, 指定的, 限制, 或者捐赠基金.

You must complete the FO-19 or Aramark Catering form in BearKatBuy when purchasing the following:

  • 食物
  • 饮料,包括酒精
  • 促销产品
  • 礼物,包括鲜花和奖品

What should I select for Direct Purpose?

To ensure your purchase meets TSUS guidelines, you must select the appropriate direct purpose code.


The recognition or promotion of academic achievement, 体育成就, 奖学金, and/or service to the University or State.


The promotion of the communication of intellectual ideas among students, 教职员工, 管理员, and/or representatives of the public.


The support of student events and activities which are sponsored by the University.


The recruitment of highly qualified students, faculty, and staff.


The promotion of the exchange of ideas with community leaders regarding the University role in the community.


摄政王的协助, 认证机构, 其他大学的官员, and/or public officials in inspecting and/or reviewing facilities and programs.


The support of the University's program of continuing education.

What should I select for Specific Limitations?

To ensure the correct funding source is used, you must select the appropriate specific limitations code.


Funds expended for continuing education conferences, 研讨会, and short courses must have been included in the continuing education registration fees assessed.


Funds expended which were received from University concessions, 学生服务费, 学生组织, and other auxiliary funds must have been previously budgeted.


Other locally generated income and auxiliary funds (not 限制 to administrative, 教育及一般, 研究, 工厂扩建, 贷款, 养老, or 奖学金 programs) may be used to the extent that they have previously been budgeted.


No funds under the control of intercollegiate athletics may be used to purchase alcoholic 饮料s.
